
PulseDAO Feature Showreel

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Mining Features:
Creating A New Time Deposit (View)
Lock-up conditions & Emergency End (View)
Hop Active CD (View)
CD Rollover (View)
Gift CD (View)
Transfer CD (View)
CD Marketplace Support (View)
CD Divisibility (View)
Pulse Ecosystem Mining (View)
NFT mining (View)

Governance Features: (View)
Voting Power (View)
The Senate (View)
Voting Credit (View)
Basic Settings (View)
Delegate Voting Power (View)
Reward Boost Events (View)
Mining Reward Allocation (View)
Governor Tax (View)
Token Burns (View)
Protocol Treasury (View)
Rewards for Contributors & Influencers (View)
Buy-Back & Burn (View)
Live Telegram Feedback (View)

1.) Mining: Creating a new Certificate Of Deposit(CD)
Longer duration pays better and gives more voting power. Simplifying decision-making by providing a few options to choose from. Actual rewards will be dynamic (higher during reward boost events) and will likely decrease perpetually. The multiplier is the relative share of the rewards allocated to certain CD option (for example, a 5-Year CD pays 7.5x higher mining rewards compared to a 1-Month CD)

2.) Mining: Lock-up Conditions & Emergency End CD
If you emergency end your CD prematurely, a penalty will be deducted. Penalties decrease linearly from the beginning until maturation and range from 25% to 82%. Once your CD matures, it can be withdrawn in full. It can also be rolled over (extended), for which the governing contract pays you a bonus. If you do not withdraw within the grace period, your CD will continue to earn interest, but the penalty will be re-introduced. You can always re-commit(reset timer) and avoid the penalty.

Example: Penalties for 1-Month CD

3.) Mining: Hop Active Time-Deposit (Change CD option)
You can always "hop" your active time deposit(CD) into a longer duration; you will earn higher rewards and receive more voting power. Your interest earned, as well as the time already served, will be transferred.

Change(extend) Time Deposit(CD) Option

4.) Mining: CD-Rollover (Get Bonus For Extending CD)
Once your time deposit(CD) matures, you can roll it over(extend) and receive a bonus for doing so. Bonus is paid from the governing contract. Bonuses are determined through the PulseDAO voting.

5.) Mining: Create Time Deposit(CD) To Another Wallet(Gift CD)
You can create a CD for another wallet. This can be used to give a CD to another user, or to create a CD for a cold wallet address. There is an additional option that allows you to set a mandatory time lock (during which the CD can not be prematurely ended).

6.) Mining: Transfer CD To Another Wallet
Time deposits(CDs) can be transferred to another wallet.

7.) Mining: CD Marketplace Support
There is an in-built functionality that allows integration of a CD marketplace through smart contracts. This feature can be turned on and off like a switch through voting. Upon the initial launch of the system, this feature will be turned off. Native integration gives the DAO greater control than third party implementations. If the feature proves to be beneficial later on, it can be activated simply.

8.) Mining: CD Division (Partial Transfer, Withdraw,...)
Majority of the features support the partitioning of time deposits(CDs). For example, you can withdraw, transfer, hop, or roll over just a portion of the CD.

9.) Mining: Pulse Ecosystem Mining
You can mine rewards using PulseChain (PLS), PulseX (PLSX), Incentive (INC), HEX, and T-Shares (staked HEX). The DAO manages the reward allocation for these pools, with the rewards earned being harvested as PulseDAO time-deposit(CD).

10.) Mining: using NFTs
PulseDAO system allows mining rewards using NFTs. Initially, there will be no eligible NFTs to mine the PulseDAO currency with.. However there is an in-built decentralized governance process that allows any NFT collection to be given allocation for PulseDAO(XPD) mining rewards.

Governance Types
PulseDAO has three types of voting: voting power, the senate and voting credit. Voting power is used for making important updates to the protocol, while voting credit is used for making decisions on already-integrated decision processes, such as regulating basic settings, reward boost events, mining reward allocations, token burns, governor tax, etc…

All miners receive voting power. Long term lock-up gives more voting power. The voting power is used to maintain the security and consensus of the protocol. The senate is incorporated as additional measure to further decentralize the network and prevent big token holders from gaining control over the protocol. The voting credit will have to be either converted by burning PulseDAO tokens or by redeeming a portion of your active CD. When casting votes, the credits are destroyed.

This is the idea behind the initial system; however, it can be altered through voting power. For example, you could receive voting credit on a monthly basis. The whole idea behind upgradeability is to allow for improvements of the system over time in a decentralized and permissionless manner. Without admin keys and without central authority. The power is in the sole hands of the community.

1.) Governance: Voting Power
The protocol has no admin keys. Mining with your XPD not only earns yield, but also gives voting power within the network. Longer time deposits grant more voting power per token , creating a system with aligned incentives, wherein long-term miners govern the protocol. The system has an extremely modular design, allowing for secure modifications and upgrades. Proposals for upgrades are enforced in a decentralized manner, through on-chain voting. There are no admin keys, no intermediaries and no central parties required.

1.1) Governance: The Senate
In Bitcoin network, miners add new blocks to the blockchain. Miners are incentivized to pool their hashing power which centralizes the network. To combat this issue, Bitcoin protocol incorporates validating nodes. Anyone can run a validating node, without the need for expensive and resource intensive mining hardware.

These nodes maintain the copy of an entire blockchain and verify the correctness and consistency of the transactions submitted to the network. Nodes decentralize and make the network resistant to single points of failure or attacks - including the collision of hashing power by the miners.

In PulseDAO there is an inherit risk that big token holders would accumulate large position in the protocol and effectively take over. To combat this issue, PulseDAO incorporates the concept of a "senate".

Senate consists of regular users, where one person equals one vote. Senate has the power to veto all governance and treasury proposals. Senators (members of the senate) have the power to add new members to the senate and further decentralize the protocol. They also have the power to expel members from the senate.

The incorporation of senate democratizes the network and prevents large token holders(miners) from gaining control over the protocol. In addition to that, each senate member receives 1% of total published tokens in form of voting credit, which is used for regulating the system and its proposals. This can be used to protect the interest of the public.

The senators are rewarded for their participation in securing the network and receive the capability of minting themself (0.01%) of total published tokens each. The maximum combined reward for all senators is capped at 1%.

The rewards are rather low as the goal of senators is to secure the network and prevent centralization of power. They should not be motivated by financial rewards, but rather by a desire to serve the community.

2.) Governance: Voting Credit
To create proposals, one must commit a and burn a minimum threshold of PulseDAO credit. After the proposal is initiated, there is a period of time during which other participants commit their voting credit to vote for or against the proposal. If the votes in favor exceed those against, the proposal can then be enforced. However, if at any time the votes against exceed the votes in favor, the proposal is rejected. Therefore, the proposer can add a delay period to first accumulate votes in favor of the proposal. This is akin to a bidding mechanism for accepting proposals.

3.) Governance: Basic Settings
Basic settings can be configured to set:
1.) Cost to vote - this is the minimum amount of voting credit required to initiate the proposal. Unless rejected, all proposals become valid. Minimum cost helps to filter out low-quality proposal and prevents spam
2.) Delay Before Enforce - This is the time period from the initiation of the proposal until it can be enforced into the system.
3.) Rollover Bonuses - This determines the bonus amount for each time deposit option
4.) Deposit and Funding Fee on PulseChain ecosystem mining

4.) Governance: Delegate Voting Power
You can delegate your voting power to another wallet. The delegatee only receives the ability to cast votes using your voting power.

5.) Governance: Reward Boost Events
Reward boost events can be scheduled through the PulseDAO portal. Frequency of the reward boost events is determined by the token threshold(a required threshold of tokens must be collected, before reward boost event can be triggered).

6.) Governance: Mining Reward Allocation
Mining reward allocations can be managed through the DAO. PulseDAO determines the amount of rewards allocated to the Pulsechain ecosystem, mining using NFTs, and LP incentives... The majority of the rewards are allocated to the native miners of PulseDAO.

7.) Governance: Governor Tax
The governing contract collects penalties from prematurely-ended CDs, as well as a portion of inflation. This is the mechanism to set the percentage of inflation (the "tax") that the governing contract should receive. The maximum governor tax is set at 10%. Tokens received by the governing contract can only be burned through DAO or deposited into the treasury wallet. The tokens must also be sacrificed (burned) by the governing contract in order to initiate a reward boost event.

8.) Governance: Token Burns
Token burns can be scheduled through the PulseDAO. Tokens are burned from the governing contract.

9.) Governance: Protocol Treasury
The treasury is a decentralized fund that is controlled by the PulseDAO community. It is funded through the governor tax built into the contract through inflation. The treasury can be used to support a variety of projects and initiatives, such as:

Grants to contributors: The treasury can be used to provide grants to individuals and organizations that contribute to the development of PUBLIC GOODS for the PulseChain ecosystem. This could include developers, researchers, marketers, and other contributors.

Support for other protocols: The treasury can be used to support other protocols that are aligned with the goals of the PulseDAO community. This could include protocols that are working on public goods for PulseChain, longevity research or philantrophy.

Buybacks and burns: Buybacks and burns: The treasury could be used to buy back and burn PulseDAO tokens in case of a liquidity crisis to preserve the long-term health of the PulseDAO ecosystem (not to be used to increase token value!)

Philantrophy: Longevity Research or any other charitable cause • Other purposes: The treasury can be used for any other purpose that is approved by the PulseDAO community.

The treasury is governed by a set of rules that are defined in the PulseDAO smart contract. These rules ensure that the treasury is used in a fair and transparent manner The treasury funds are exclusively designated for the creation of public goods for the Pulsechain community and philanthropic purposes.

The governing contract cannot send tokens at will; it can only burn them, or deposit them into the treasury. Transfer of PulseDAO tokens from the governing contract into the treasury is referred to as a treasury deposit. This is how PulseDAO can build up a reserve of XPD tokens inside its treasury wallet.

From the Treasury wallet, any token can be sent into any other address or contract; This is referred to as a Treasury withdrawal. This is how PulseDAO can invest in other protocols, perform buy-backs and burns, or deposit tokens into a custom contract that performs a specialized task.

10.) Governance: Rewards for Contributors & Influencers
PulseDAO protocol allows users to request rewards for their positive contributions to the community. Do you believe you are worthy of rewards? Simply request a payment on the DAO website. Other users then get to vote FOR or AGAINST. If your proposal achieves necessary support, the grant will be paid out. You can request a payment to your wallet OR as a locked CD inside the network.

This is meant to serve as a reward mechanism to encourage contributors and influencers towards participation in the network. This creates a FULLY transparent process of rewarding influencers. No more undisclosed promotions. All actions are broadcasted and publicly visible on the blockchain.

11.) Governance: The Buy-Back & Burn
The Buy-Back & Burn contract plays a vital role in supporting the long-term sustainability of the PulseDAO ecosystem. This contract swaps PLS tokens into PulseDAO tokens and subsequently burns PulseDAO(XPD) tokens, resulting in deflationary effects that reduce the overall token supply.

To perform these actions, the DAO must allocate capital from its treasury or through other means. In theory, the DAO could sell some of its tokens during periods of growth, creating a balance sheet reserve. This reserve could then be used to buy back tokens, not for the purpose of increasing token value, but to provide stability in the event of an emergency liquidity crisis that threatens the ecosystem.

Before undertaking such actions, the community shall seek legal advice to ensure full compliance with applicable laws and regulations

12.) Governance: Live Telegram Feedback
As users interact with the governance contracts, the actions are instantly broadcasted to the Telegram live chat. This has no effect on the decisions, but it notifies the users and gives the option to discuss the proposals off-chain via chat on Telegram.